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Electro / rap
Electronics / bass producer FlexFab joins forces with Kenyan rapper Ziller Bas to bring the MUGOGO project. Together, they skillfully deliver a solid and singular mix of modern African club music, bass, electronic and rap. While FlexFab delivers its hybrid bass sound with a signature it is known for. ZillerBas raps in his own dialect called "Sweng Flow" a combination of English, Swahili and his mother tongue Kigiriama. "Mugogo Part 1" is a 4 track Ep that marks the start of this exciting new project. The release is supported by a documentary featuring their two-week trip and the recording of the album in Kenya.

Oki (au milieu), sa femme (à sa gauche) et son fils (à sa droite

Oki in the snow

Oki (au milieu), sa femme (à sa gauche) et son fils (à sa droite)

Oki (au milieu), sa femme (à sa gauche) et son fils (à sa droite
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